Monday, August 30, 2010

I Heart NY (Mag)

You're a 25-32 year old female.

What magazines do you read?

You have enough experience in the bedroom not to need your information from a glossy, let alone a sealed section. You are too smart to get all of your information from a serial whose stories are really pictures and who quote 'a source close to the couple' to add legitimacy to what they're alleging. You're too young for those publications who include articles about royal families, knitting and food porn (although you might flick through one at your mother's house!). You might have a mortgage, a child, or are saving up for a trip, so high fashion mags just make you want things you can't afford. Don't even get you started on periodicals devoted solely to slimming. Yuk.

So what's left? Frankie? Great publication - but it's published every second month! What's a girl supposed to do in the off month?

Fear not friends, as New York Magazine has come to the rescue! It's put out weekly and has a fab roundup of high and low art, political scandals, pop culture, opinion pieces and investigative journalism. My favourite section is StarMarket where they assess whether to buy, sell or hold a particular celebrity based on their stock history, market value, peers and what Hollywood thinks. Far from a nasty tabloid style dissection of their private life - this is an in-depth analysis of their movies, how they handle publicity, what they bring to each project etc. While I might spend some serious time drooling over Mad Men's John Hamm and am confident in his superior star power -- StarMarket points out that '[p]eople in Kansas aren't watching Mad Men. Hamm needs to figure out how to do something...with red state appeal but not in such a way that it looks ridiculous - so bull riding is out. Hamm's been an athlete. He's an NHL fan. He used to play baseball. Use that.' Good stuff! And not a recipe, weight loss article or blurry celebrity photo in sight. I had a ball flicking through this mag while I was in New York on a recent trip, but it has a great online counterpart which won't eat into your mortgage/holiday/child budget at all!

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